Association Cézon

Association Cézon

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Association Cézon
Siège social : Fort Cézon - Kergoz
Adresse postale : 311 ar Palud
29870 Landéda

Created in 1995 by young artists, students who have left for other horizons, the Cézon association caught its breath in 2015 with a local team and a renewed project.

Preserve, reveal, highlight the architectural, natural and cultural heritage. With large volunteer sites, artist residences, events, training, multiple cooperation. This is what we want. Opening doors, experimenting, offering spaces for knowledge, invention and silence too.

The owner of the island, artist Yann Le Nestour, entrusted it to the Cézon association for a period of 18 years, until 2033.
The lease provides that the island will be open to the public for another 12 years beyond its term.

Heritage project managed by the association

Heritage site managed by the association