Acting for the climate and the biodiversity on heritage sites

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This document is the result of REMPART’s “Heritage and ecological transition” working group, which was inspired by the survey conducted among members of the network in 2020 and the reflections of its members.


In 2020, following its General Assembly, REMPART set up a working group focusing on Climate change. This working group brought to light multiple initiatives for climate already launched within our network and stressed a strong will to act. Conscious of our need to act on our level, we have collected these good practices and written a White Paper to act for climate on our heritage sites, addressed to our member association, but also to our volunteers and facilitators, and to everyone who would be keen to adopt some of our ideas.

In this White Paper ” Acting for the climate and the biodiversity on heritage sites”, you will find concrete solutions implemented by REMPART members, but also tools to help you understand climate change and take action on a daily basis for sustainable development. In heritage just like everywhere else, it is our responsibility to act together for the climate, and this document aims to give us ideas to do so, while bringing together objectives that can sometimes seem contradictory.


Click here to download our White Paper in English (compressed version).


We have also joined the Climate Heritage Network, like our partners of International National Trusts Organization (INTO), Asociación Mexicana de Voluntariado Internacional A.C. (AMVIAC) and International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and set up a partnership with GRAINE Nouvelle-Aquitaine, who helped us to think about more actions for climate change and sustainable development education on our sites. 


You are an NGO manager, a volunteer, a heritage site coordinator, etc. and would like to know more about our project? Please write us at