Partners worldwide

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  4. Partners worldwide

An international network

The Union REMPART network of partners has grown progressively around heritage-related projects, voluntary work and young people. 
The partners of Union REMPART are all different, because the notions of heritage protection, voluntary help and restoration sites run by young people vary from one country to another. Moreover, heritage restoration sites run by and dedicated to young people are not common in all countries. 
However, all our partners are associations themselves, and organise heritage restoration activities with young people, whether as volunteers or pupils from specialised (heritage restoration) schools. 

We would like to develop our exchanges with foreign partners and promote our approach to heritage restoration with volunteers. If you think REMPART might be a suitable partner for your project, do not hesitate to contact us.

International actions

We co-organise several types of exchanges between our local associations and our international partners :

– Foreign volunteers are invited to France (either as individuals or sent by a partner),

– French volunteers go to our partners’ sites abroad,

– Exchanges within the context of European projects (European Programme for Youth : young people exchange, European Voluntary Service, etc.),

– Community officers and foreign leaders are invited to France to participate in training courses,

– French leaders go to sites abroad to participate in their technical supervision,

– Organisation of European heritage classes,

– Exchange of experiences between associations.