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- Who we are?
- Governance
REMPART is a national association made up of local and regional associations working to preserve heritage who have come together to share their experience and pursue common values. They have put in place both salaried and volunteer management to carry out these missions.
From the local to the national level
Each REMPART member association is constituted around a heritage project, preserving, developing and promoting a heritage site or building in the spirit of popular education and community development.
REMPART has an intermediary level, where local associations are grouped on a territorial basis. These regional unions represent the individual associations when dealing with local government or official bodies at a regional level. They also convey applications for membership to the national board of REMPART. Regional correspondents meet once a year.
The Union REMPART gives local associations a completely free hand in planning and carrying out restoration projects or promotional activities, but it guarantees the coherency and the quality of its members’ work. Its policy is to train those in charge and group leaders.
General assembly
A three-day annual congress provides an ideal opportunity for all members of the Union to meet, discuss and plan for the future. The congress takes place every year in a different region, hosted by one or more of the local associations, with financial backing from the Union. The annual general meeting takes place on the second day of the congress.
An association starts by joining as a probationary member and has one vote at the annual general meeting. After the one to three years’ probationary period, the new association is either confirmed as a member or rejected. A confirmed association has two votes. If an association is not particularly active but adheres to the ideals of the Union, it may opt for the status of an associate member. In this case, there is no vote at the general assembly or the possibility for one of its members to stand for election to the board.
The board of administration
The board of administration is made up of fifteen volunteer members from active member associations. Each member is elected by the annual general meeting for a term of three years. The board administers the Union and meets several times a year. It, in turn, elects a bureau, which is entrusted with putting the board’s decisions into action.
National delegation
The national delegation is made up of both volunteers and salaried members. It liaises between the board, regional correspondents and local associations. It carries out the decisions made by the board and more generally fosters the development of the movement.
It is coordinated by a general delegate and provides various services to local associations, such as recruiting volunteers, promoting their activities, helping them with questions of accountancy, employment or taxation. It also represents the Union as a whole at the national and international level.
Working groups
These less formal working groups bring together members of associations who are interested in certain themes, such as international relations, rehabilitation and outreach, training, pedagogy and communication. These workgroups meet several times a year.